NCRAF Upcoming Events 

See "Upcoming Events" at right (desktop) or below (phone) for details and registration for all upcoming NCRAF events. 


Call for Proposals_NCRAF Roundtable Dinner, Nov. 14, 2024
Proposals Due: Aug. 28

Want to lead a table at NCRAF's annual Roundtable dinner? 
Submit a proposed title and description for your talk by August 28!  See details at the link below.
Call for Proposals - Roundtable Topic Speaker


Making the Hiring Process Work for You _Sept. 12, 2024

Hybrid event co-sponsored with AMWA-Carolinas 



Registration for the 2024 RAC Workshops are OPEN!!

You must be a member to register (standard membership is currently $50).
Workshop registration is $75

This workshop series is a comprehensive overview of regulatory requirements for development, manufacture, marketing and compliance for drug and biological human medicines in the US, EU, and other countries. It is especially useful for those studying for the RAC certification exam, but also is valuable for anyone interested in learning more about WHY the industry operates as it does. Each session in the series features a lecturer with relevant industry or other "field" experience to illustrate the concepts discussed.



2024 Workshop Chapters and Q/A Sessions



See "Upcoming Events" at right (desktop) or below (phone) for details and registration for all upcoming NCRAF events. 
Become an NCRAF member to enjoy significant discounts for registration at most NCRAF events, and to be notified of all upcoming events! 
Most NCRAF events are free for our members.